Help Pay My Student Debt (Please Read Explanation Below)

My name is Zoey. That is me above this text. Please can you read the full explanation below, I know it's really text heavy, but I have to explain why I cannot get money from other places! The PayPal links are really slow to load so if you are donating please be patient! I'm not brilliant with computers and don't know how to fix this!

I have had the worst year of my life so far and it is only January. My fiancé left me for another woman (I'm alone looking after our child), my mother died after a long fight with dementia and my father got diagnosed with cancer and is in hospital in New York this very second.

I'm miles away from him and I cannot afford to get a plane back to see him. I have never before in my life ever asked anyone for money, but I have no other options. I have no siblings and the only members of my family left are my father and I.

I was in what I now realise was a controlling realtionship with my ex fianće where he didn't like it if I went out to see my friends and so I gradually lost them over time and so am unable to ask them for money now.

I have recently moved to Texas and have a full time job as a waitress. I am slowly working towards paying off my student debt and being able to afford the flight from Texas to New York, but at this rate I will never manage as I can only just afford rent and food for my child and I.

All my life I have believed in the kindness and goodness of people and so I humbly ask you to help me by donating any amount of money. Even a cent will help! I can only accept through paypal at the moment, but will add other methods as time goes on (and I figure out how to do it). Thanks - Zoey

A Huge thanks to all of the donators so far. You are the best people alive on this planet and are doing me a huge favour! I hope to one day track you all down and thank you in person!

List of Donators:

Alex C $2

Lucy F $1

Ella K $1

Ben H $1

Alan $0.50

Mo F $0.24

Anonymous $0.25

Anonymous $0.02

Anonymous $0.01

Please help me out and donate any amount